Sunday, October 16, 2011

Days 4, 5, and 6

So my social life and being lazy has interfered with a couple of entries.

Friday was not a very strict day.  This way of eating seriously needs some foresight and planning, something I have yet to really work on.  Saturday was a vegan day, if you don't count the eggs (I'm almost out!).  Dinner last night was vegan nachos.  It was super good and really fast.  I think I'm going to add that to my lunch options and my lazy dinner choices.

I went shopping yesterday, and hit Sunflower market's super sales.  I also got a package of vital wheat gluten; I have some from baking, but if I'm using 1-1 1/2 C at a time, it won't last too long and I have running out of something critical mid recipe.

I'm planning a "pot roast" in the crock pot tomorrow.  I'll have enough for left overs and homemade seitan made up for recipes.  I also got some tofu; silken for homemade "sour cream" or something similar (I haven't decided yet), and extra firm for a main.  I'm hoping being more prepared will make this week a success.  The days I've cheated and had dairy I have paid for, and frankly I'm quite tired of it.

I will check in tomorrow with how my "pot roast" turns out.  I'm quite excited!

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